
So this is a very ancient part of my life which I almost forgot about. It really came back to me just now, that I, at the ripe age of 10-12 was attempting to code and create the very first graphics, even tho I didn't know it was coding and graphics that I was doing.

The VJKKS was a website, on which you were taking care of your imaginary horse stable and you were basically roleplaying (from taking care of your horses to training, veterinary check-ups to joint rides with other players. A text-based game. And it was my first encounter with graphics. You see, it was s trend among the players to decorate your “bio” or your horses “bio” — and it went from simply changing the colour of the font (by using <font color="purple">) to creating banners or “separators” of text.


It is so funny to me now, because I genuinely didn’t understand what I was doing, I was only using the same funny words and symbols which everyone around me was using. Looking back, I spent a big part of my childhood being a part of text-based roleplaying games and I found myself doing this kind of graphic a lot (for myself and others). Unfortunately, when they say that everything you upload online is going to be there forever — they are ugly liars, because i could NOT find any of my masterpieces I created back then. All the blogs are down, so you just have to take my word for it.

Luckily, I’ve found some graphics from that time (not mine), for reference. Stuff like this was pretty standard to create ⬇

zdroj: https://grafikabn.webnode.sk/news/cele-info-1-/

zdroj: https://grafikabn.webnode.sk/news/cele-info-1-/



zdroj: https://grafikabn.webnode.sk/grafika/

zdroj: https://grafikabn.webnode.sk/grafika/